One image worth a thousand words. A reliable video solution for your fleet safety and driver coaching.

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See what happened, like you were there

Keeping your drivers and cargo safe, as well as mitigating risks on the road, are top priority for fleet owners. Crashes, collisions, repairs and severe injuries can cost your business tens of thousands of dollars per incident. Yet you can’t be out there with them every day to make sure they are driving responsibly.

Fleet Complete Vision is your answer to the uncertainty. It will equip you and your drivers with a pair of eyes on the road to document what really happens, while helping coach drivers en route with an in-cab audio assistance.


Your video Solution – your choice

Choose the type of Vision bundle that suits your needs best!

Want to keep it simple? Then use your own mobile device. All you need to do is download our Vision app and it will guide you through the recording process.

Want to have a more robust recording quality? Then opt for a dedicated mounted camera that automates the entire process for you, synchronizing videos with the Vision app automatically.

Modules & Features


Vision incorporates ultra-sophisticated sensor technology and does not record all the time. It is triggered only by specific events that involve a rule violation to start recording, like keeping too close to the car in front or speeding. This way, you don’t have to go through hours footage after!


Those close calls can cost you. Help your drivers make better decisions on the road with ADAS. The Advanced Driver Assistance System alerts your drivers to posted speed violation, missing Stop signs, harsh braking or acceleration, tailgating, and lane departure.


What if there is an accident, where your driver is not at fault but cannot prove it? It’s all „he said, she said”. Video event capture in the Vision app provides a potential line of defence in a litigation and can help protect your drivers.


Give your drivers all the tools in the toolbox to excel!  With real-time audio feedback and video replay, they can keep themselves in check and review each trip in the app to see improvements as they progress. More features, like Leaderboard and Score Cards, are coming very soon!


Your clients look for a service that is safe and runs like a well-oiled machine. Vision will help your drivers become your best business card in customer relations, improving business credibility and ensuring fleet uptime to stay reliable and profitable.


While premium video options are available, you have the choice to use personal smartphone devices versus a dedicated windshield-mounted camera. All you need is a downloaded mobile app to start using Vision.

Combine it with Fleet Tracking

The solution integrates seamlessly with the Fleet Complete platform as an add-on to your regular vehicle tracking. This will furnish your fleet managers with a comprehensive view of all in-field operations, where they can detect and review events as they happened.

Want to learn more?

„Our immediate ROI with Fleet Complete has been huge. In the past, we may not have even found vehicles for months which would have cost us around $160,000 to replace.”
– Terence Schofield, Safety Officer
Tractor working agicultural machinery in sunny day


„Nuo šiol turime konkrečią informaciją, padedančią tolygiau skirstyti darbus pagal atstumus iki klientų,
kad laikas kelyje pasiskirstytų vienodžiau.

Kęstutis Andrulionis – Konekesko

Serviso vadovas


„Dabar galime greičiau, patogiau ir, svarbiausia, pigiau teikti paslaugas gyventojams, nuvykti į svarbiausius miesto taškus. Dar vienas didelis pliusas – išmanumas.“ 

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Mantas Andriuškevičius

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